Strategic Pest Solutions provides spider spraying services throughout Windsor-Essex County including Belle River and the surrounding Lakeshore, Ontario area, Leamington, Kingsville, Cottam, Comber, Lighthouse Cove, Essex and Tilbury.
We strive to do a thorough job each and every time, so that you remain pest-free. We are committed to being Windsor-Essex County and Lakeshore, Ontario’s best spider spray company. Please check out the five star reviews on our website and Facebook that attest to our excellent spider spray service.
We use unmarked vehicles to ensure your privacy.
Here is are some common questions and answers related to our spider spray service:
What will the spider spray control/eliminate?
Our spider spray service is guaranteed to leave your home free of spiders and their webs. Our spider spray service will also create a barrier that prevents other pests from entering or establishing on your home including ants, wasps, earwigs, etc.
The other thing to note is that spider spraying in not harmful to beneficial pollinators such as monarch butterflies and honey bees. The chemical we use has repellent properties, which the beneficial pollinators can sense and will avoid.
How much does the spider spray cost?
We have a base price for a standard 2000 square foot home. We do not charge additional fees for decks and sheds, however there may be additional charges to treat larger-sized homes and more complex structures such as gazebos and detached garages. Feel free to contact us for information on pricing.
What type of equipment do you use to perform the spider spray treatment?
We use a truck-mounted power wash unit driven by a heavy duty pump. This ensures your home gets quality spray job that is done right the first time.
Is the product we use safe for pets and children?
Yes, children and pets can not touch the treated surfaces until the treatment has dried. Dry times may take as little as 20 mins to a few hours depending on the temperature. The active chemical in our spider spray treatment, permethrin, which is derived from a naturally occurring insecticide from the chrysanthemums plant family. Mum plants are part of the chrysanthemum plant family. This chemical is found in a variety of lice and tick shampoos used on humans and pets and is found in numerous over-the-counter products available to regular consumers. The difference between what a regular consumer can buy and what is available to licensed exterminators, is that the products available to regular consumers are water-soluble – meaning they will kill the target pest, but do not have any residual properties, whereas our products have oil-bases and other properties that allow them to adhere to surfaces and continue to work for weeks or months on end.
How can you claim its safe, when the applicator must wear personal protective equipment such as respirators, rubber gloves etc.?
The spider spray chemical we use is safe, however our technicians must ensure they are not unnecessarily breathing in the mist or exposing their eyes or skin to the product as it contains an oil-base.
When should I book in my first spider spray treatment?
Every season and every persons’ needs are different. Year-to-year spiders may start to emerge at different times in Windsor-Essex County based on the weather. Spiders and other insects will typically appear after a prolong period of heat coupled with adequate moisture. This may range from late March until as late as June. Some people choose to get a jump start on spiders and other pests by getting their home sprayed in later March or early April, whereas others may leave it until later in the summer when spiders have become to much to bear to get a spray application done.
How many spider sprays do I need in a year?
One to two spray treatments should be sufficient for any given season. However your proximately to water, amount of vegetation surrounding the home or structure and other factors may warrant a third treatment, if the conditions are favourable for spider and other pest activity.
Can the treatment be applied in the rain?
Yes, it can. Despite what some people think and even some companies will state, spider spraying in light rain does not affect the effectiveness of your spider spray application. The spray solution is a mixture of 2.5 liters of concentrate to 197 liters of water – meaning its predominately water. The oil-base of the solution will allow it to adhere to your home and axillary structures without compromise. It is a common misperception that the spray will wash away with light rain during or post treatment.
Why you shouldn’t go for the cheapest price when it comes to your spider spray treatment?
Well for starters, you will typically get what you pay for. If you want quality work, it pays to pay a bit more for quality workmanship. In addition to this dealing with a reputable company ensures you are dealing with an experienced technician that is applying the spider spray in accordance with the regional laws and regulations. You can also have the peace of mind that if your home or any of your property is damaged during the service, that we are fully insured to cover the costs of any damages.